SmartAdmin WebApp (基于Bootstrap响应式布局模板)

时间:2020-10-01 06:14:10
文件名称:SmartAdmin WebApp (基于Bootstrap响应式布局模板)
更新时间:2020-10-01 06:14:10
bootstrap angularjs mvc php html SmartAdmin WebApp - goes beyond the ordinary admin template. Its unique flat design and responsive layout is crafted one of a kind. SmartAdmin includes 7 version variations: Static HTML, AJAX, PHP, AngularJS 4.0, RubyOnRails, ReactJS and ASP.NET versions. Each version comes with its own unique properties and usage. SmartAdmin has a vast collection of assorted reusable UI components integrated with latest jQuery plugins. SmartAdmin Layout API lets you customize your project for almost any device - be it Mobile, Web or WebApp - SmartAdmin has you covered! 最新全套源码 版本号看changelog.txt ### Patch (ReactJS) - Update to react 15.5 - Webpack 2.6 - Freeze dependencies - Refactor reflux examples - ES6 class components - Refactor to eliminate deprecation warnings - More plugin updates - OVERALL: 35 files changed, 370 lines inserted | 446 lines deleted


  • 很好,关键是有 angular4.0的部分
  • 很好,关键是有 angular4.0的部分了,东西不少。