unity全息风格UI Holo UI for UGUI.zip

时间:2020-06-04 10:20:16
文件名称:unity全息风格UI Holo UI for UGUI.zip
更新时间:2020-06-04 10:20:16
UI Holo Unity U3d UI Holo UI for UGUI 很有科技感的unity 3d UI插件,带DEMO 直接导入可用 要求Unity 5.3.0 或更高版本。 Holo UI is a beautiful Sci-Fi UI for Unity. The package contains custom scripts. All the scripts are in C#. The ui contains many custom elements such as: Windows. Radio toggles. Small loading animation. Big loading bar. Tooltip box. Navigation arrow buttons. Three different size buttons (tiny, small and normal). Icon buttons. Table window. Custom cursor.
Holo UI for UGUI 1.8.unitypackage


  • 导入报错,Unity2019.4.5版本,根本没法用啊