ECG波形产生程序 for Matlab

时间:2013-04-05 05:29:48
文件名称:ECG波形产生程序 for Matlab
更新时间:2013-04-05 05:29:48
ECG wave Matlab 产生 %[QRSwave]=ECGwaveGen(bpm,dur,fs,amp) generates an artificial ECG/EKG waveform % Heart rate (bpm) sets the qrs event frequency (RR interval). % Duration of the entire waveform (dur) is in units of seconds. % Sample frequency (fs) sets the sample frequency in Hertz. % Amplitude (amp) of the QRS event is measured in micro Volts. The % waveform consists of a QRS complex and a T-wave. No attempt to % represent a P-wave has been made.


  • 程序有错无法运行。 >> ECGwaveGen Undefined function 'QRSpulse' for input arguments of type 'double'. Error in ECGwaveGen (line 61) PVCseg=[QRSpulse(d,60/((1-earlyfactor)*RR-0.4375*PVCwidth),fs,RandAmp(org_amp)) QRSpulse(PVCwidth,bpm*(1-earlyfactor),fs,PVCamp) QRSpulse(d,bpm,fs, RandAmp(org_amp))]; %PV
  • 不错,可以使用
  • 可以借鉴的代码
  • 程序有错误
  • 有函数未定义,我去啊。。
  • 运行出错,还得再下另一个源文件!