
时间:2013-01-06 07:07:04
更新时间:2013-01-06 07:07:04
u_st_splitbar,u_st_splitbar $PBExportHeader$u_st_splitbar.sru $PBExportComments$PFC SplitBar class. This object needs to be removed if application is migrated to PFC 6.0 forward global type u_st_splitbar from statictext end type end forward global type u_st_splitbar from statictext int Width=535 int Height=21 boolean FocusRectangle=false long BackColor=8421504 event mousemove pbm_mousemove event lbuttonup pbm_lbuttonup end type global u_st_splitbar u_st_splitbar type variables Public: //-- Define the "style" of split bar. -- constant integer VERTICAL = 1 constant integer HORIZONTAL = 2 //-- Define the "Register" type. -- constant integer LEFT=1 constant integer RIGHT=2 constant integer ABOVE=3 constant integer BELOW=4 Protected: //-- Define the "Extreme points" constants. -- constant integer LEFTMOST=1 constant integer RIGHTMOST=2 constant integer TOPMOST=3 constant integer BOTTOMMOST=4 //-- Define default icons. -- string is_verticalpointer ='SizeWE!' string is_horizontalpointer ='SizeNS!' // -- Registered information. -- integer ii_lefttopbound dragobject idrg_lefttop[] real ir_lefttopx[] real ir_lefttopy[] real ir_lefttopwidth[] real ir_lefttopheight[] integer ii_rightbottombound dragobject idrg_rightbottom[] real ir_rightbottomx[] real ir_rightbottomy[] real ir_rightbottomwidth[] real ir_rightbottomheight[] // --Other. -- integer ii_style = -1 // Default to negative value. Integer ii_barwidth = -1 // Default to negative value. long il_barcolor=78682240 long il_barmovecolor=8421504 integer ii_minobjectsize = 20 boolean ib_performredraw=True //-- Internal attributes. -- integer ii_prevpositionx = -1 integer ii_prevpositiony = -1 window iw_parent userobject iuo_parent tab itab_parent Integer ii_rounding=5
