更新时间:2017-12-02 07:49:25
hog特征提取,空间描述 anna_PHOG Computes Pyramid Histogram of Oriented Gradient over a ROI. % % [BH, BV] = anna_PHOG(I,BIN,ANGLE,L,ROI) computes phog descriptor over a ROI. % % Given and image I, phog computes the Pyramid Histogram of Oriented Gradients % over L pyramid levels and over a Region Of Interest %IN: % I - Images of size MxN (Color or Gray) % bin - Number of bins on the histogram % angle - 180 or 360 % L - number of pyramid levels % roi - Region Of Interest (ytop,ybottom,xleft,xright) % %OUT: % p - pyramid histogram of oriented gradients