
时间:2011-12-11 05:30:49
更新时间:2011-12-11 05:30:49
Source-Navigator C C++ parsers source Red Hat Source-Navigator TM is a powerful code analysis and comprehention tool that provides a graphic framework for understanding and reengineering large or complex software projects. Source-Navigator's cross-platform nature also makes it an invaluable code porting tool. Source-Navigator parsers scan through source code, extracting information from existing C, C++, Java, Tcl, [incr tcl], FORTRAN, COBOL, and assembly programs and then use this information to build a project database. The database represents internal program structures, locations of function declarations, contents of class declarations, and relationships between program components. Source-Navigator graphical browsing tools use this database to query symbols (such as functions and global variables) and the relationships between them. In addition to the languages supported in the standard distribution, you can use the Source-Navigator Software Development Kit (SDK) to add new parsers and extend Source-Navigator functionality to other languages. For more information, refer to Introduction in the Programmer's Reference Guide. For information on licensing and redistribution terms, see GNU General Public License.


  • 正在用,免费的,感觉没有收费的SourceInsight好用~
  • 我也没找到INSTAL.TXT ,求指点~
  • 这个软件看起来外表很优雅
  • 感觉不太好用
  • 软件挺好的,正在使用中
  • 软件还行,可以和source insight 媲美,谢谢分享。
  • 软件挺好的,正在使用中
  • 感觉还可以,逐渐习惯中
  • 我是在Ubuntu上装的 感觉还行
  • 这个软件看起来外表很优雅
  • 这个软件看起来外表很优雅
  • 找了半天也没发现README中说的INSTALL.TXT在哪里,不会用