
时间:2021-02-10 20:36:54
更新时间:2021-02-10 20:36:54
----Find Customer Referee(683B)
----employees earning more than their manager(845B)
----Number of comments per post(2KB)
----Last person to fit in the elevator(2KB)
----Immediate food delivery(2KB)
----1. Delete Duplicate Email(821B)
----project employee II(1KB)
----Department top 3 salaries(1KB)
----friend request overall acceptance rate(2KB)
----Manager with atleast 5 direct reports(899B)
----Consecutive number(1KB)
----Swap salary(566B)
----Monthly transaction II(4KB)
----create investment 2016(292B)
----Employee earning more than their managers(879B)
----Active Business(2KB)
----Employee bonus(912B)
----Rank score(1KB)
----Article View II(1KB)
----Find cumulative salary(735B)
----game analysis II(1013B)
----Trips and users(4KB)
----Get highest answer rate question(1KB)
----Not boring movie(681B)
----Page recommendation(2KB)
----Average Selling price(3KB)
----Reported post II(4KB)
----New User Daily count(2KB)
----HIghest grade for each student(2KB)
----Customers who never order(677B)
----game played analysis V(2KB)
----All people report to given manager(2KB)
----Market Analysis II(3KB)
----Rising temperature(816B)
----Game play analysis III(2KB)
----weather type in each country(3KB)
----Product sales analysis III(1KB)
----Biggest single number(464B)
----Shortest distnace(346B)
----Triangle judgement(612B)
----Ads Performance(2KB)
----Tournament winner(2KB)
----Restaurant growth(3KB)
----Reported Posts(4KB)
----Number of transaction per visit(4KB)
----User Activity for past 30 days(2KB)
----Product price at a given date(1KB)
----Investments in 2016(1KB)
----game plan analysis IV(2KB)
----Second degree follower(716B)
----Tree nodes(1KB)
----Customer who never order(662B)
----Count of student number in department(1KB)
----Nth highest salary(731B)
----Immediate food delivery II(2KB)
----Class more than 5 students(713B)
----Customer placing largest number of orders(805B)
----Reformat department table(2KB)
----Report contiguous date(3KB)
----Article view I(2KB)
----Running total for different gender(3KB)
----winning candidate(828B)
----List of product ordered in period(3KB)
----Monthly transaction I(3KB)
----Product Sales Analysis(2KB)
----Manager with atleast five direct reports(913B)
----Consecutive available seats(512B)
----Find the team size(1KB)
----Average salary: department vs company(2KB)
----Second Highest Salary(825B)
----product sales analysis(2KB)
----Project Employee 1(1KB)
----Game play analysis I(1KB)
----Students Report by Geography(1KB)
----Winning candidate(939B)
----sales person(2KB)
----Duplicate Email(432B)
----Team score in football tournament(3KB)
----Department highest salary(1KB)
----Friend request II: who has the most friends(1KB)
----Human traffic on stadium(3KB)
----Combine two tables(845B)
----Find the start and end date(1KB)
