
时间:2021-04-22 19:49:14
更新时间:2021-04-22 19:49:14
VMware 服务器整合:数据中心大瘦身 整合 在一台服务器上运行多个操作系统和应用 使新的硬件支持老的应用 数据中心撤退旧的硬件 抑制 用虚拟架构预备新的项目 推迟购买新的物理硬件 通过虚拟架构整合服务器,控制x86服务器的蔓延 VMware 客户服务器整合比 Conseco Finance 8:1 7-Eleven 10:1 National Gypsum 10:1 Applied Innovation 15:1 AIG Technology 20:1 Qualcomm 30:1 GE中国医疗 17:1 Key Points: Server sprawl of underutilized x86 servers creates significant problems for IT departments today (cost, management challenges, etc.) VMware server virtualization allows you to control server sprawl: Consolidate existing servers onto fewer machines using virtual machines to get more value out of existing resources and avoid costly forced migrations of legacy applications to new platforms Contain future server growth by putting new applications in virtual machines rather than buying new servers Script: One key challenge facing IT today is managing the growing sprawl of servers, particularly x86 servers. VMware virtual infrastructure provides you the ability to take control of server growth. For one, it allows you to consolidate existing applications onto fewer servers. Because you can run multiple virtual machines with different OS’s and different applications simultaneously, you can combine heterogeneous servers into a single server. Consolidation allows you to support old applications on new hardware and to retire that old hardware from the datacenter. You can also you virtual infrastructure to contain future server growth. With virtual infrastructure you can provision new virtual machines without needing to provision new servers—the new virtual machines can utilize unused capacity in your existing environment. You can plan your purchases of servers to add overall capacity rather than reactively deploying new server hardware for each request. Result: easier to manage, reduced datacenter costs, reduced procurement and deployment costs
