
时间:2021-03-18 18:56:17
更新时间:2021-03-18 18:56:17
Python 2021-新文件 我的python练习新文件
----17. Find the N largest number in a list(740B)
----7.sum of squares of first n natural numbers.py(100B)
----12. Find sum of the element in a list(1KB)
----16. Find second largest number in a list(1KB)
----13. Multiple all number in the list(916B)
----10.7 ways How to find a prime number in a inverval(6KB)
----9.Find the length of a list.py(419B)
----15. Find largest number in a list(2KB)
----18. Find all the even number from a list(1004B)
----8.swap first and last element of a list(194B)
----3.factorial of a number.py(587B)
----1.For add two numbers.py(152B)
----5.check whether a number is Prime or not.py(265B)
----11.Reversing a List in Python(400B)
----19.Find all the odd numebrs in a list(986B)
----4.check armstrongnumber.py(456B)
----6. Find Fibonicci number(318B)
----20. Print positive number in a list(2KB)
----14. Find smallest number in the list(801B)
----2.maximum of two numbers.py(466B)
