
时间:2013-11-20 10:10:34
更新时间:2013-11-20 10:10:34
BizTalk In the beginning, when BizTalk was still in its infancy, there were two teams within Microsoft: the Commerce Server Team and the COM+ team. The Commerce Server Team was implementing technology it called Commerce Server Messaging Pipelines, which was essentially software that allowed applications to move messages from one system to another system using the commerce server framework. The goal was to abstract away the sending and receiving of messages from the transports that they used. For example, using this framework, a developer would not care about the physical implementation of how the messages were sent; that information would be abstracted away into another construct called a port. The port would talk to an adapter that handled the communication to and from the medium in question, whether it was a file system, an FTP server, or a web server.
