Learning GraphQL and Relay(PACKT,2016)

时间:2019-10-20 18:50:30
文件名称:Learning GraphQL and Relay(PACKT,2016)
更新时间:2019-10-20 18:50:30
Learning GraphQL Relay Relayjs There’s a new choice for implementing APIs – the open source and Facebook-created GraphQL specification. Designed to solve many of the issues of working with REST, GraphQL comes alongside RelayJS, a React library for querying a server that implements the GraphQL specification. This book takes you quickly and simply through the skills you need to be able to build production ready applications with both GraphQL and RelayJS. Beginning with a solid foundation in the GraphQl specification, this book swiftly moves to how a data layer can be implemented for your web application using Relay. Get to grips with GraphQL and Relay concepts creating data containers, data masking, and more as your progress towards building a production-ready application. What you will learn Understand what problem GraphQL solves and how it differs from traditional REST architectures Create a GraphQL server Develop modular and maintainable GraphQL code Grasp how to define GraphQL mutations Comprehend how to define GraphQL queries Modify a GraphQL server to be Relay-compliant Develop a Relay client-side application with ReactJS that consumes a GraphQL endpoint
