Image Download(图片下载)

时间:2011-12-06 20:09:32
文件名称:Image Download(图片下载)
更新时间:2011-12-06 20:09:32
图片 自动下载 网页图片 论坛图片 相册 可以自动下载网页,论坛,相册,图集,缩略图所对应的图片,并自动跳入下一页. 用户也可以引导程序找到下一页. 程序还可以将整个小站的所有图片下载下来. 支持超链接,javascript,多帧等情况 it can download the images of website, forum, album, and jump to the next page automatically. and the user also can help the app to find the next button/page, so that it can automatically download images. it also can download some small websites' all images if you want. it can support the hyper link, javascript, multi-frames. it is based on .NET 2.0 the language is C# the core tech is webbrowser, multi-thread,


  • 不是吧 要注册的啊
  • 这种软件基本都是要注册的 这个也不例外啊