开源迷宫游戏Robot 1.4

时间:2012-04-07 14:58:18
文件名称:开源迷宫游戏Robot 1.4
更新时间:2012-04-07 14:58:18
迷宫 开源 c Robot 1.4 开源探路机器人Robot1.4 /* This Program is a robot walking in a 8*8 world * stand for the wall S stands for the Start Point E stands for the Exit /blank/ stand for the road You can type your our world in a text file. Using Yourworld.txt to have a test. Enjoy! Follow the GPLv3 licence @Author Jerry Shen @email jerry.shen@cognizant.com;jerry_shen_sjf@yahoo.com.cn @version 1.4 @compile with turboC for windows. */ 这是一个用turbo C 2.0编写,在turboC for windows下编译的探路机器人程序,你可以在文本文件中编写自己的世界地图运行。在console下用robot yourworld.txt运行,所有程序都在Robot.c 下,压缩包里包含的几幅地图,直接双击robot.exe,程序使用内置的地图。详细情况请见上述的注释。


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