The open Git resource pulled together by the whole community

时间:2015-01-04 10:21:50
文件名称:The open Git resource pulled together by the whole community
更新时间:2015-01-04 10:21:50
The open Git resource WELCOME TO GIT Welcome to Git - the fast, distributed version control system. This book is meant to be a starting point for people new to Git to learn it as quickly and easily as possible. This book will start out by introducing you to the way Git stores data, to give you the context for why it is different than other VCS tools. This is meant to take you about 20 minutes. Next we will cover Basic Git Usage - the commands you will be using 90% of the time. These should give you a good basis to use Git comfortably for most of what you're going to use it for. This section should take you about 30 minutes to read through. Chapter 1: Introduction 5
