C#Hash table.rar

时间:2012-10-25 07:41:21
文件名称:C#Hash table.rar
更新时间:2012-10-25 07:41:21
c#,hashtable,code,代码 c#中的hashtable的简单用法,含有几个例子代码。
Hash table
----illustrates the use of the Hashtable methods.txt(3KB)
----Add value to Hashtable and loop through the value key pairs.txt(627B)
----Enumerating a hash table collection.txt(518B)
----Get IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator from Hashtable.txt(492B)
----Compares the efficiency of the hash map implementation with the tree map.txt(947B)
----Demonstrate Hashtable.txt(847B)
----illustrates the use of a Hashtable.txt(1KB)
----Implement GetHashCode method and store it in a hashtable.txt(1KB)
