Mac OS X and iOS Internals

时间:2016-02-20 04:47:58
文件名称:Mac OS X and iOS Internals
更新时间:2016-02-20 04:47:58
Mac OS X An in-depth look into Mac OS X and iOS kernels Powering Macs, iPhones, iPads and more, OS X and iOS are becoming ubiquitous. When it comes to documentation, however, much of them are shrouded in mystery. Cocoa and Carbon, the application frameworks, are neatly described, but system programmers find the rest lacking. This indispensable guide illuminates the darkest corners of those systems, starting with an architectural overview, then drilling all the way to the core. Provides you with a top down view of OS X and iOS Walks you through the phases of system startup—both Mac (EFi) and mobile (iBoot) Explains how processes, threads, virtual memory, and filesystems are maintained Covers the security architecture Reviews the internal Apis used by the system—BSD and Mach Dissects the kernel, XNU, into its sub components: Mach, the BSD Layer, and I/o kit, and explains each in detail


  • 是第二版,非扫描版。
  • 非常好的资料
  • 讲得挺深入的
  • 实用性不是很强。个人愚见
  • 好书,值得推荐,感谢楼主分享~
  • 英文书中有Internal的,一般程序还是比较深的,值得推荐。
  • 大部头著作,非扫描版,非常清楚,需要慢慢啃
  • 讲一些底层的东西,虽然很晦涩,但挺值得看的
  • 非扫描文字版
  • 对于了想深入了解 osx和ios的人来说 这本书很值得看一下
  • 这资料太棒了,很清晰~~
  • 最近为了折腾OS X,正好需要这个!
  • 讲一些底层的东西,虽然很晦涩,但挺值得看的
  • 有中文的就更好了
  • good thing。let me read it。