iPhone iOS6 Development Essentials

时间:2016-08-08 04:34:34
文件名称:iPhone iOS6 Development Essentials
更新时间:2016-08-08 04:34:34
iphone ios development When details of iOS 6 were first announced at the Apple World Wide Development Conference in June, 2012 it seemed, on the surface at least, that the iOS 5 edition of this book would not need to be significantly updated for iOS 6. After gaining access to the pre-release versions of the iOS 6 SDK and working with the new features, however, it quickly became clear that whilst there are areas that have not changed since iOS 5, there is much more to the new features of iOS 6 than it had at first appeared. In actual fact, 23 new chapters had to be written to cover the new features of iOS 6 and every code example updated to reflect the changes made to Objective-C. How you make use of this book will depend to a large extent on whether you are new to iOS development, or have worked with iOS 5 and need to get up to speed on the features of iOS 6. Rest assured, however, that the book is intended to address both category of reader.


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  • 内容很清晰,都是些比较基础的东西