SQL Queries Succinctly

时间:2020-03-23 16:24:19
文件名称:SQL Queries Succinctly
更新时间:2020-03-23 16:24:19
SQL SQL Queries Succinctly Published on: February 04, 2017 Description SQL is the language of data, and therefore the intermediary language for those who straddle the line between technology and business. Every business application needs a database and SQL is the key to working with these databases. Nick Harrison’s SQL Queries Succinctly will show you how to craft queries in SQL, from basic CRUD statements and slicing and dicing the data, to applying filters and using aggregate functions to summarize the data. You will look at solving common problems, navigating hierarchical data, and exploring the data dictionary. Table of Contents Introduction Basic CRUD More Advanced CRUD Slicing and Dicing Data Selecting From Yourself It’s About Time Importance of the Data Dictionary
