
时间:2018-02-12 05:48:34
更新时间:2018-02-12 05:48:34
performance parallelism High Performance Parallelism Pearls shows how to leverage parallelism on processors and coprocessors with the same programming – illustrating the most effective ways to better tap the computational potential of systems with Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors and Intel Xeon processors or other multicore processors. The book includes examples of successful programming efforts, drawn from across industries and domains such as chemistry, engineering, and environmental science. Each chapter in this edited work includes detailed explanations of the programming techniques used, while showing high performance results on both Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors and multicore processors. Learn from dozens of new examples and case studies illustrating "success stories" demonstrating not just the features of these powerful systems, but also how to leverage parallelism across these heterogeneous systems.


  • 同求第二卷,这书很值得收藏
  • 好东西,正找着
  • 非常非常非常好
  • 第一卷,不知第二卷在哪。
  • 很好的书,实体书太贵了。。
  • 超级好书,第一卷的,可惜还没找到第二卷
  • 很难找到的好书,居然只需要2分,楼主好人啊!
  • 非常好的多核与众和程序设计资料.
  • 急需并行方面的资源,谢谢!
  • 不错的资料,感谢分享
  • 非常好,感谢分享!
  • 很好的MIC学习资料,感谢分享!
  • 很不错的教材
  • 很难得的MIC编程资料。谢谢无私奉献。