
时间:2021-08-09 07:11:12
更新时间:2021-08-09 07:11:12
XFS最新汇总 This CWA is revision 3.0 of the XFS interface specification. The move from an XFS 2.0 specification (CWA 13449) to a 3.0 specification has been prompted by a series of factors. Initially, there has been a technical imperative to extend the scope of the existing specification of the XFS Manager to include new devices, such as the Card Embossing Unit. Similarly, there has also been pressure, through implementation experience and the advance of the Microsoft technology, to extend the functionality and capabilities of the existing devices covered by the specification. Finally, it is also clear that our customers and the market are asking for an update to a specification, which is now over 2 years old. Increasing market acceptance and the need to meet this demand is driving the Workshop towards this releas
