Windows Phone 7 UI设计和交互指导文档 (英文)

时间:2014-11-06 03:34:03
文件名称:Windows Phone 7 UI设计和交互指导文档 (英文)
更新时间:2014-11-06 03:34:03
windows phone 7 The Windows Phone OS 7 User Interface (UI) is based on a design that is internally named Metro, and echoes the visual language of airport and metro system signage in its design and typeface. The goal is to create contextual relevance through content – the user’s own content – so that using the phone is a personal experience. Metro design interfaces embody harmonious, functional, and attractive visual elements that encourage playful exploration so that the user feels a sense of wonder and excitement. A clear, straightforward design not only makes an application legible, it also encourages usage and can lead to delight.
