Programming iOS 9(2015)

时间:2018-12-05 09:56:40
文件名称:Programming iOS 9(2015)
更新时间:2018-12-05 09:56:40
iso9 xcode7 swift2 If you're grounded in the basics of Swift, Xcode, and the Cocoa framework, this book provides a structured explanation of all essential real-world iOS app components. Through deep exploration and copious code examples, you'll learn how to create views, manipulate view controllers, and add features from iOS frameworks. Stay up-to-date on iOS 9 innovations, such as the new layout constraint notation, expanded UIKit dynamics, revised unwind segues, iPad multitasking, and the Contacts framework. All example code is available on GitHub for you to download, study, and run.


  • 挺不错的,不过还没看完iOS10就已经出了。。。。
  • 非常好的东西,谢谢楼主分享
  • 很好用 很详细 !
  • 基本都是空白
  • 很好用 很详细
  • 是swift语言写的,不是Objective-c(现在项目都没用swift的..),这本书的ios6版本有中文版,写的还不错.
  • 很好用 很详细 不知道要看多久