Laravel 5 Essentials(PACKT,2015)

时间:2018-09-15 16:47:30
文件名称:Laravel 5 Essentials(PACKT,2015)
更新时间:2018-09-15 16:47:30
Lavarel Lavarel5 php artisan Laravel has established itself as one of the most popular PHP frameworks over the past couple of years. Its popularity comes due to its ease of use, expressive syntax, and the number of components it has, allowing you to achieve practically any task in a modern PHP application. If you've not had the opportunity to dive into Laravel yet, then this book will be the perfect companion, as it covers the fundamentals Laravel is built on in a thorough yet easy-to-follow manner. To make this book your best learning source, we have covered integral topics such as preparing an environment for working with Laravel applications, creating your first Laravel application from start to finish, a tour of Laravel's ORM Eloquent, and more advanced topics such as testing, user authentication, and security. Being one of the most interesting features in Laravel, we also cover an overview of Artisan, including descriptions of some of its tasks. Post this, we talk about testing and security. By the end of this book, you will be able to create robust PHP websites and web applications quickly and efficiently.


  • 不错,谢了
  • 还可以,不过是英文版的
  • 本书提到的end to end test 是很有用的,建议搭配另外2本类似的书籍一起看: mastering laravel & learning laravel's Eloquent.
  • 资源不错,谢谢
  • 好书,谢谢分享
  • 不错,谢谢。
  • 通俗易懂,还算可以,书中有些地方交待的不是很清楚。
  • 资源还不错,谢谢分享了
  • 根本下载不了。。