
时间:2021-01-03 13:38:47
更新时间:2021-01-03 13:38:47
matlab %LAB2RGB Convert an image from CIELAB to RGB % % function [R, G, B] = Lab2RGB(L, a, b) % function [R, G, B] = Lab2RGB(I) % function I = Lab2RGB(...) % % Lab2RGB takes L, a, and b double matrices, or an M x N x 3 double % image, and returns an image in the RGB color space. Values for L are in % the range [0,100] while a* and b* are roughly in the range [-110,110]. % If 3 outputs are specified, the values will be returned as doubles in the % range [0,1], otherwise the values will be uint8s in the range [0,255]. % % This transform is based on ITU-R Recommendation BT.709 using the D65 % white point reference. The error in transforming RGB -> Lab -> RGB is % approximately 10^-5.
