azure-armrest:使用新的REST API的Azure Ruby接口

时间:2021-02-02 04:55:18
文件名称:azure-armrest:使用新的REST API的Azure Ruby接口
更新时间:2021-02-02 04:55:18
ruby azure AzureRuby 描述 使用新的REST API的Azure Ruby接口。 概要 require 'azure/armrest' # Create a configuration object. All service objects will then use the # information you set here. # # A token will be retrieved based on the information you provided conf = Azure :: Armrest :: Configuration . new ( :client_id => 'XXXXX' , :client_key => 'YYYYY' , :tenant_id => 'ZZZZZ' , :subscription_id => 'ABCDEFG' ) # This will then use the configuration info set above. vms = Azure :: Armrest :: VirtualMachineS
