the four the hidden DNA of Amazon Apple Facebook and Google.epub

时间:2022-08-03 09:08:29
文件名称:the four the hidden DNA of Amazon Apple Facebook and Google.epub
更新时间:2022-08-03 09:08:29
互联网 “m (really) glad this whole first book thing is done, but hoping we can keep the team together. My agent, Jim Levine, is great at what he does (I knew that). The bonus is he’s become a role model: married fifty years, smart and strong. This book is as much his as mine. My editor, Niki Papadopoulos, kept the work honest and on deadline. My partners at L2, Maureen Mullen and Katherine Dillon, have been a constant source of inspiration and camaraderie. I hope they take pride in this work, as they shaped it. L2’s CEO, Ken Allard, has been hugely supportive and generous. Several outstanding professionals at L2 informed the thinking in this book”
