[Ruby] Ruby 面向对象设计实践 (英文版)

时间:2017-01-18 00:35:09
文件名称:[Ruby] Ruby 面向对象设计实践 (英文版)
更新时间:2017-01-18 00:35:09
Ruby ☆ 资源说明:☆ [Addison-Wesley Professional] Ruby 面向对象设计实践 (英文版) [Addison-Wesley Professional] Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby (E-Book) ☆ 图书概要:☆ Ruby’s widely admired ease of use has a downside: Too many Ruby and Rails applications have been created without concern for their long-term maintenance or evolution. The Web is awash in Ruby code that is now virtually impossible to change or extend. This text helps you solve that problem by using powerful real-world object-oriented design techniques, which it thoroughly explains using simple and practical Ruby examples. Sandi Metz has distilled a lifetime of conversations and presentations about object-oriented design into a set of Ruby-focused practices for crafting manageable, extensible, and pleasing code. She shows you how to build new applications that can survive success and repair existing applications that have become impossible to change. Each technique is illustrated with extended examples, all downloadable from the companion Web site, poodr.info. The first title to focus squarely on object-oriented Ruby application design, Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby will guide you to superior outcomes, whatever your previous Ruby experience. Novice Ruby programmers will find specific rules to live by; intermediate Ruby programmers will find valuable principles they can flexibly interpret and apply; and advanced Ruby programmers will find a common language they can use to lead development and guide their colleagues. ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Sandi Metz [出版机构] Addison-Wesley Professional [出版日期] 2012年09月15日 [图书页数] 272页 [图书语言] 英语 [图书格式] PDF 格式
[Addison-Wesley Professional] Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby.pdf


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  • 非常好的资源。清晰。书本身也特别好。