kernel density estimation based background subtraction

时间:2014-06-17 04:54:28
文件名称:kernel density estimation based background subtraction
更新时间:2014-06-17 04:54:28
kernel density estimation based background kernel density estimation based background subtraction algorithm [1] with a command line interface. this algorithm is a developed version of [2]. the kmovingobjdetector class within the project is originally written by birant orten who has graciously allowed me to use his code. i just modified it to suit my purposes. so, if you use any material from this program you should refer both [1] and [2] apart from this web-page. if you compile with __OPENCV__ flag, you'll be able to open avi files. without this flag, you will be able to open just ppm images. the usage.txt explains the input specifications.


  • 程序有点长,这个貌似比较难!
  • 实验结果还需要继续验证
  • 代码写的不错,但效果还需要进一步验证