Introducing the MySQL 8 Document Store

时间:2021-07-16 15:20:07
文件名称:Introducing the MySQL 8 Document Store
更新时间:2021-07-16 15:20:07
MySQL NoSQL has been given a lot of hype in recent years. As with most new technologies, the underlying principles are rarely truly new, rather, it is the unique combination of known technologies that forms and transforms the whole to become more than the sum of its parts. This is especially true for MySQL 8 and the new MySQL Document Store. Never has MySQL offered so much for so many. Whether you want a traditional relational database solution with a strong foundation or you want the ultimate flexibility to store JSON documents in a document store—or anywhere in between, MySQL can do it. The trick then is learning how to migrate your applications using each of these technologies: whether you use traditional tables with fixed schemas or you have some JSON fields to allow some freedom from rigid structure or you employ the flexibility of a JSON-based document store. This book will give you the knowledge you seek to navigate the MySQL Document Store including how to migrate existing applications and best practices for using a document store solution.
