
时间:2019-06-02 07:35:05
更新时间:2019-06-02 07:35:05
UX If you want to create products and services that provide real value, you should first identify touchpoints—areas where business and customer needs intersect. This practical book shows you how. Using various mapping techniques from UX design, you’ll learn how to turn customer observations into actionable insight for product design. Author Jim Kalbach, Principal UX Designer with Citrix, introduces you to the principles behind alignment diagrams—a class of deliverable also known as experience mapping—using several examples. You’ll learn how to visually map your existing customer experience, based on user research, and demonstrate how and where customer perspectives intersect with business goals. Using alignment diagrams, you’ll not only be able to orchestrate business-customer touchpoints, but also gain stakeholder support for a product or service that provides value to both your business and your customers. This book is ideal for product managers, marketers, customer experience professionals, and designers. Table of Contents PART 1. Visualizing Value CHAPTER 1. Introducing Alignment Diagrams CHAPTER 2. Fundamentals of Mapping Experiences CHAPTER 3. Visualizing Strategic Insight PART 2. A General Process for Mapping CHAPTER 4. Initiate: Starting a Mapping Project CHAPTER 5. Investigate: Researching the Experience CHAPTER 6. Illustrate: Drawing the Diagram CHAPTER 7. Align: Designing Value CHAPTER 8. Envisioning Future Experiences PART 3. Types of Diagrams in Detail CHAPTER 9. Service Blueprints CHAPTER 10. Customer Journey Maps CHAPTER 11. Experience Maps CHAPTER 12. Mental Model Diagrams CHAPTER 13. Spatial Maps and Ecosystem Models
