REAL-TIME EMBEDDED SYSTEM Open-Source Operating Systems Perspective

时间:2021-01-19 10:13:03
文件名称:REAL-TIME EMBEDDED SYSTEM Open-Source Operating Systems Perspective
更新时间:2021-01-19 10:13:03
REAL-TIME EMBEDDED SYSTEM Real-time embedded systems are integral to the global technological and social space, but references still rarely offer professionals the sufficient mix of theory and practical examples required to meet intensive economic, safety, and other demands on system development. Similarly, instructors have lacked a resource to help students fully understand the field. The information was out there, though often at the abstract level, fragmented and scattered throughout literature from different engineering disciplines and computing sciences.


  • 书本身的内容就不必多说了,经典书籍,资源很棒,非影印版带目录,值!