Google Admob iOS SDK - 2015-02-03

时间:2018-03-24 03:36:12
文件名称:Google Admob iOS SDK - 2015-02-03
更新时间:2018-03-24 03:36:12
Admob iOS SDK Admob iOS SDK 7.0.0 版,改进对iOS8的支持。•Dropped support for iOS 5. •Released SDK as a framework. •Removed dependency on the -ObjC linker flag. •Improved ad loading time on iOS 8. •Added requestAgent property to GADRequest. Third-party integrations should set this property to denote the platform from which the request originated. •Added new DFPRequest class, which supports roadblocks/competitive exclusions, custom targeting, and category exclusions. •Moved publisherProvidedID property from DFPExtras to DFPRequest. •Replaced GADAdMobExtras and DFPExtras with a single GADExtras class. •Deprecated GADBannerView's hasAutoRefreshed property. •Removed the GAD_SIMULATOR_ID macro—test ads are automatically enabled in the simulator when using GADBannerView and GADInterstitial. •Removed GADRequest's mediationExtras, additionalParameters, and testing properties. •Deprecated GADRequest's setBirthdayWithMonth:day:year:. •Removed GADRequest's addKeyword: method. •Removed DFPSwipeableBannerView class.


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  • 不错,帮了国内无法WALL的一个忙