Art of Error Correcting Coding(eWiley)Y2002

时间:2014-07-02 16:31:11
文件名称:Art of Error Correcting Coding(eWiley)Y2002
更新时间:2014-07-02 16:31:11
Error Correcting Coding 纠错编码艺术,Preface This book is the result of hundreds of emails from all over the world with questions on theory and applications of error correcting coding (ECC), from colleagues from both academaina d industry. Most of the questions have been from engineers and computer scientists needing to select, implement or simulate ap articular coding scheme. The questions were sparkebdy an ECC web site that was initially set up at Imai Laboratory at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, at the beginning of 1995. The reader will notice the absence of theorems and proofs in this text. The approach is to teach basic concepts by using simple examples. References to theoretical developments are made when needed. This bookis intended to be a reference guide to error correcting coding techniques for graduate students and professionals interested in learning the basic techniques and applications of ECC. Computer programs that implement the basic encoding and decoding algorithms of practical coding schemes are available on a companion web site at:


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