Simplygon SDK LOD生成工具

时间:2022-03-14 22:54:58
文件名称:Simplygon SDK LOD生成工具
更新时间:2022-03-14 22:54:58
LOD生成工具 快速实现模型LOD简化面生成的开发包,可以集成到任何编辑器中,这个版本已破解. The Simplygon SDK provides powerful methods to optimize 3d assets, which can easily be im- plemented and integrated into your 3d asset pipeline. At the very core, the optimization can be divided into two parts: Geometric optimization and 2d-material optimization. There are two dierent approaches that Simplygon uses to optimize the geometric data. Through reduction, geometric data is reduced using re-linking of triangles and vertex removal, and through remeshing, where the geometries are re
