JavaScript Patterns

时间:2013-10-18 01:54:33
文件名称:JavaScript Patterns
更新时间:2013-10-18 01:54:33
javascript Description What's the best approach for developing an application with JavaScript? This book helps you answer that question with numerous JavaScript coding patterns and best practices. If you're an experienced developer looking to solve problems related to objects, functions, inheritance, and other language-specific categories, the abstractions and code templates in this guide are ideal -- whether you're writing a client-side, server-side, or desktop application with JavaScript. Author Stoyan Stefanov includes several examples for each pattern as well as practical advice for implementing them. What's the best approach for developing an application with JavaScript? This book helps you answer that question with numerous JavaScript coding patterns and best practices. If you're an experienced developer looking to solve problems related to objects, functions, inheritance, and other language-specific categories, the abstractions and code templates in this guide are ideal -- whether you're writing a client-side, server-side, or desktop application with JavaScript. Written by JavaScript expert Stoyan Stefanov -- Senior Yahoo! Technical and architect of YSlow 2.0, the web page performance optimization tool -- JavaScript Patterns includes practical advice for implementing each pattern discussed, along with several hands-on examples. You'll also learn about anti-patterns: common programming approaches that cause more problems than they solve. * Explore useful habits for writing high-quality JavaScript code, such as avoiding globals, using single var declarations, and more * Learn why literal notation patterns are simpler alternatives to constructor functions * Discover different ways to define a function in JavaScript * Create objects that go beyond the basic patterns of using object literals and constructor functions * Learn the options available for code reuse and inheritance in JavaScript * Study sample JavaScript approaches to common design patterns such as Singleton, Factory, Decorator, and more * Examine patterns that apply specifically to the client-side browser environment
JavaScript Patterns.pdf


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  • 很不错的一本英文书
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  • Very good book, and this is very good e-copy of the book. Thanks a lot.
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  • 是我要找的书 谢谢
  • 学语言、学编程,不能不看针对的它们的设计模式。知道如何写代码是对的,如何是不好的
  • 好书 建议英文不好的童鞋去当当等网店购买,有中文版的,翻译的还OK
  • 很精练的一本书,收益很多。
  • 很好,写得蛮清晰的
  • 很清晰,蛮好的一本书,有一本中文书
  • front end必备的一本书,尤其是object,function的部分
  • 很想学习一些高级点的JS知识,但可惜是英文的。
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  • 很清晰,蛮好的一本书,不知道以后会有译本出来不~
  • 非常不错的一本书,描述了很多Javascript的模式,继承、模块封装等,不错!