时间:2014-09-04 17:50:55
更新时间:2014-09-04 17:50:55
Silverlight web 内容简介 Teach yourself how to build rich Internet applications with Silverlight 4--one step at a time. With this practical, learn-by-doing tutorial, you'll learn how to create interactive user interfaces for the Web and the newest version of Windows Phone by mastering the essential tools and techniques for Silverlight. Install the tools you need and build your first Silverlight application Get up to speed on Silverlight 4 features, including out-of-browser support, webcam, and microphone Develop Web applications with Silverlight that work across browsers and devices Engage users with animation, video, layout, vector graphics, and 3D effects Learn how to build and deploy simple applications for Windows Phone 7 Create Windows Phone features such as Input Scope, Orientation, and the Application Bar Your online learning resources include: Practice exercises Code samples Fully searchable ebook A Note Regarding the CD or DVD The print version of this book ships with a CD or DVD. For those customers purchasing one of the digital formats in which this book is available, we are pleased to offer the CD/DVD content as a free download via O'Reilly Media's Digital Distribution services. To download this content, please visit O'Reilly's web site, search for the title of this book to find its catalog page, and click on the link below the cover image (Examples, Companion Content, or Practice Files). Note that while we provide as much of the media content as we are able via free download, we are sometimes limited by licensing restrictions. Please direct any questions or concerns to 媒体推荐 Experience how easy is it is to build powerful Web sites using Silverlight. With this book, readers learn step by step how to build browser-delivered Rich Internet Applications using .NET. 作者简介 Laurence Moroney is a Senior Technology Evangelist at Microsoft, focusing on Silverlight and the user experience. He has more than a decade of experience in software development and implementation, and has written dozens of books and articles on Windows Presentation Foundation, Web development, security, and interoperability. 目录 Dedication; Acknowledgments; Introduction; System Requirements; Support for This Book; We Want to Hear from You; Foreword; Chapter 1: Introducing Silverlight; 1.1 Get the Tools; 1.2 Install Visual Web Developer Express; 1.3 Install the Silverlight Tools; 1.4 Create Your First Silverlight Application; 1.5 Key Points; Chapter 2: Silverlight Controls; 2.1 Learning Silverlight Controls; 2.2 Using the Silverlight Controls; 2.3 Key Points; Chapter 3: Layout and Styling; 3.1 Using the Canvas Control; 3.2 Using the Grid Control; 3.3 Using the StackPanel Layout; 3.4 Styles and Templates; 3.5 Key Points; Chapter 4: Data and RIA Services; 4.1 Understanding RIA Services; 4.2 Build a Database with Visual Web Developer Express; 4.3 Create an RIA Services Server Project; 4.4 Key Points; Chapter 5: Rich Imaging; 5.1 Imaging in Silverlight; 5.2 Using Deep Zoom with Silverlight; 5.3 Using Photosynth with Silverlight; 5.4 Key Points; Chapter 6: Media, Webcams, and Video; 6.1 Media in Silverlight; 6.2 Using the MediaElement Control; 6.3 Using a Webcam with Silverlight; 6.4 Key Points; Chapter 7: Transformation and Animation; 7.1 Transformations; 7.2 Animation; 7.3 Defining Animation with Expression Blend; 7.4 Key Points; Chapter 8: Building Desktop Applications; 8.1 Running Applications Outside of the Browser; 8.2 Creating a Custom Install Link; 8.3 Detecting Updates; 8.4 Detecting Out of Browser Status; 8.5 Detecting Network Connectivity and Availability; 8.6 Using Isolated Storage; 8.7 Enabling Elevated Trusted Mode; 8.8 Debugging Out of Browser Applications; 8.9 Interoperating with COM; 8.10 Using Notification Windows; 8.11 Key Points; Chapter 9: Integrating with the Browser; 9.1 Bridging Silverlight and HTML; 9.2 Calling Browser Functions from Silverlight; 9.3 Understanding the Silverlight Object; 9.4 Key Points; Chapter 10: Accessing Network Services; 10.1 Creating a Financial Data Service; 10.2 Using HTTP POST; 10.3 Making Cross-Domain Calls; 10.4 Key Points; Chapter 11: Windows Phone Development; 11.1 Getting Started; 11.2 Build a Service Client in Windows Phone; 11.3 Key Points; Chapter 12: Windows Phone Features; 12.1 Using Orientation; 12.2 Using the Back Button; 12.3 Using the Application Bar; 12.4 Using Input Scope; 12.5 Using Typing Intelligence; 12.6 Using the Multi-Touch Interface; 12.7 Other Services; 12.8 Key Points; Chapter 13: Expression Blend for Windows Phone; 13.1 Create Your First Windows Phone Application with Expression Blend; 13.2 Key Points; Chapter 14: Getting Started with XNA Game Development for Windows Phone; 14.1 Creating an XNA Application and Adding Content; 14.2 Writing the Code for Your Game in XNA; 14.3 Key Points;


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  • 内容比较少,入门吧!前提还得是学过编程的。。
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  • 清晰,还不错,可惜是英文的, 不过都是计算机专业英文
  • 不错的入门资料,嘿嘿,要是有中文就更好了
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