Pro iOS 5 Tools: Xcode Instruments and Build Tools

时间:2015-03-10 10:57:24
文件名称:Pro iOS 5 Tools: Xcode Instruments and Build Tools
更新时间:2015-03-10 10:57:24
iOS5 开发 Pro iOS 5 Tools: Xcode Instruments and Build Tools 392 pages Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (December 9, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 1430236086 ISBN-13: 978-1430236085 What you’ll learn How to set up a bare-bones shopping cart app; from creating a new project to using a distributed version control system for setting up the environment How to work your way through an app and tune the user interface for performance How to diagnose and address memory issues, leaks and dealing with intermittent crashes How to deal with networking issues and reliably recreate or simulate these environments How to address multitasking, behind the scenes power drains, and reduce/optimize power usage from the radio and other power draining features in iOS devices How to distribute your app to beta testers, prepare for the App Store and speed up development time by learning shortcuts and other enhancements to developer tools 仅供学习交流,下载后24小时请删除


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