zendar:Zendar 是基于 Azazel 和 Jynx 等使用的 LD_PRELOAD 方法的 Linux Rootkit

时间:2021-06-17 23:24:08
文件名称:zendar:Zendar 是基于 Azazel 和 Jynx 等使用的 LD_PRELOAD 方法的 Linux Rootkit
更新时间:2021-06-17 23:24:08
C This is a private rootkit, and thus this README will not adhere to public requirements or preferences. Scrap that. I have virtually no need for this, it's just a shittier, but smaller version of an azazel/jynx2 hybrid. Do whatever you want with this. Alright, apparently there was some kind of strange interest in this. @Reiko: I changed how the user is prevented from removing the ld.so.preload file
