
时间:2012-08-26 02:28:58
更新时间:2012-08-26 02:28:58
基本 统计 知识 英文档,简介 Statistics is the branch of scientific method that is concerned with collecting, arranging, and using numerical observations or data that arise from natural phenomena or experiment. For our purposes, statistical methods will be useful in one or more of the following areas: 1. Reduction of data. Much numerical information may often be "condensed" into a simple relationship, together with a statement as to the confidence we may place in the relationship. 2. Estimates and significance tests. From experimental data, certain population parameters (such as a mean) can be estimated. It is usually possible to determine whether or not these estimates differ significantly from certain preconceived values. 3. Reliability of inferences depending on one or more variables. For example, the total impurity content of a bulk shipment is predicted from samples taken throughout the shipment. We then ask, what reliability can be attached to the prediction of total impurity content? This leads to uncertainty analysis}. 4. Relationships between two or more variables. Suppose that some measurable quantity depends on one or more separate factors. Then, if it is possible by experimental design to control the separate factors at a series of fixed levels and to observe the measurable quantity at each level, the technique known as analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to evaluate the dependency.
