时间:2021-07-01 04:27:43
更新时间:2021-07-01 04:27:43
GPS matlab GAMIT globk Overview These tools are provided as a means to help users understand the quality of the results being obtained from GLOBK analyses of GPS data. Their primary aim is to improve the quality and understanding of the results from large GPS analysis projects. Installation The latest tsview/velview mfiles are saved in GGMatlab_mfiles.tar. When running from MATLAB this verion of the m-files should be downloaded. The m-files are in a folder called matlab and in this folder are folders for tsview and velview. To run the velview and tsview programs you should download the Matlab® mfiles for either x86_64 (GGMatlab_x86_64.tar) or for Intel Mac OSX (GGMatlab_maci.tar). These tar files are identical except that each tar file contains the executable program for their respective systems (see details below). The tar files contain directories for velview and tsview. If you have a license for Matlab you can go to the section Running under Matlab® after the files have been untarred. If you do not have a license for Matlab, you should download MCRInstaller.bin for x86_64 systems or MCRInstaller.dmg for Intel Max OSX (These files are each 300Mbytes). Once the appropriate file is downloaded, follow the instructions in the Running as standalone programs section after the tar files above have been untarred. The tar files contain directories for tsview and velview. The executaubles are in these directories along with the Matlab m-files. The tar files can be untarred in any convenient directory. For GAMIT/GLOBK users, the untarred directory can be put at the level of gamit, kf, and library directories. Also available is an example case saved as Example.tar. The examples below use the data in the Example directory. This directory can be placed anywhere in your system.
