Real World Functional Programming: With Examples in F# and C#

时间:2014-02-21 16:52:44
文件名称:Real World Functional Programming: With Examples in F# and C#
更新时间:2014-02-21 16:52:44
.net C# 编程语言 软件开发 Functional programming languages like F#, Erlang, and Scala are attracting attention as an efficient way to handle the new requirements for programming multi-processor and high-availability applications. Microsoft's new F# is a true functional language and C# uses functional language features for LINQ and other recent advances. Real World Functional Programming is a unique tutorial that explores the functional programming model through the F# and C# languages. The clearly presented ideas and examples teach readers how functional programming differs from other approaches. It explains how ideas look in F#-a functional language-as well as how they can be successfully used to solve programming problems in C#. Readers build on what they know about .NET and learn where a functional approach makes the most sense and how to apply it effectively in those cases. The reader should have a good working knowledge of C#. No prior exposure to F# or functional programming is required.


  • F#好书,就是没有书签,不过可以自己整理!
  • 中文翻译版看不下去了,还是来看原版
  • F#好书,就是没有书签,不过可以自己整理!
  • Functional Program Approach与OOP思想绑在一起使用, 是今后编程的方向。
  • f#的语法太复杂了, 好难学...
  • 没有书签,不建议下载,稍候我上传一个完美的
  • 好的很,英文版。
  • 好东西,中文版现已出版,这是英文版