[ASP.NET MVC] Mobile ASP.NET MVC 5 开发教程 (英文版)

时间:2017-01-13 03:18:17
文件名称:[ASP.NET MVC] Mobile ASP.NET MVC 5 开发教程 (英文版)
更新时间:2017-01-13 03:18:17
.Net Mobile ASP.NET MVC C# ☆ 资源说明:☆ [Apress] Mobile ASP.NET MVC 5 开发教程 (英文版) [Apress] Mobile ASP.NET MVC 5 (E-Book) ☆ 图书概要:☆ Geospatial mapping applications have become hugely popular in recent years. With smart-phone and tablet numbers snow-balling this trend looks set to continue well into the future. Indeed, it is true to say that in today’s mobile world location-aware apps are becoming the norm rather than the exception. In Microsoft Mapping author Ray Rischpater showcases Microsoft's Bing Maps API and demonstrates how its integration features make it by far the strongest mapping candidate for business that are already using Windows 8 or the .NET Framework. Whether you want to build a new app from scratch of add a few modest geospatial features to your existing website Ray's carefully chosen examples will provide you with both the inspiration and the code you need to achieve your goals. ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Eric Sowell [出版机构] Apress [出版日期] 2013年11月20日 [图书页数] 276页 [图书语言] 英语 [图书格式] PDF 格式
[Apress] Mobile ASP.NET MVC 5.pdf


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  • 开发教程 (英文版)
  • Mobile ASP.NET MVC 5 开发教程 (英文版) 值