
时间:2021-11-15 16:31:20
更新时间:2021-11-15 16:31:20
concurrent I still remember the Aha! moment when I understood how UNIX shell pipeline works. I fell headlong in love with Linux and the command line and tried out many combination filters (a filter is a program reading from standard input and writes to standard output) connected via pipes. I was amazed by the creativity and power brought about by the command line. I was working with concurrent programs. Then, there was a change of project and I was thrown headlong into writing code using the multithreaded paradigm. The language was C or C++, which I loved deeply; however, to my surprise I found that it was a herculean effort to maintain a legacy code base, written in C/C++ that was multithreaded. The shared state was managed in a haphazard way and a small mistake could throw us into a debugging nightmare!
