REST实战: 超媒体和系统架构

时间:2014-06-29 12:53:57
文件名称:REST实战: 超媒体和系统架构
更新时间:2014-06-29 12:53:57
REST实战: 超媒体和系统架构 REST continues to gain momentum as the best method for building web services, leaving many web architects to consider whether and how to include this approach in their SOA and SOAP-dominated world. In this insightful book, three SOA experts provide a down-to-earth explanation of REST and demonstrate how you can develop simple and elegant distributed hypermedia systems by applying the Web's guiding principles to common enterprise computing problems. You'll learn techniques for implementing specific Web technologies and patterns to solve the needs of a typical company as it grows from modest beginnings to become a global enterprise.


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