Windows CE 休眠唤醒全面解析

时间:2011-12-10 08:34:19
文件名称:Windows CE 休眠唤醒全面解析
更新时间:2011-12-10 08:34:19
Windows CE 休眠唤醒全面解析(基于2440平台) Windows CE 作为一个广泛应用于移动便携设备上的操作系统,提供了完善的电源管理的功能。其中,休眠唤醒便是一个重要的功能。那么,休眠唤醒是什么原理呢,这首先要从硬件说起。这里呢,我就拿用自己得最熟练的三星平台的2440 CPU为例来和大家探讨一下。 首先看2440 Datasheet 里关于休眠部分的描述 SLEEP Mode The block disconnects the internal power. So, there occurs no power consumption due to CPU and the internal logic except the wake-up logic in this mode. Activating the SLEEP mode requires two independent power sources. One ofthe two power sources supplies the power for the wake-up logic. The other one supplies other internal logics ,including CPU, and should be controlled for power on/off. In the SLEEP mode, the second power s
