Master Mobile Web Apps with jQuery Mobile - Third Edition

时间:2016-06-28 10:30:37
文件名称:Master Mobile Web Apps with jQuery Mobile - Third Edition
更新时间:2016-06-28 10:30:37
Web Apps jQuery Mobile This book is intended for anyone interested in building mobile web applications using the jQuery Mobile framework. You’ll need at least a basic knowledge of web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and web servers. In addition, some chapters — especially Chapters 11 to 13 — assume you have some experience of the jQuery JavaScript library on which jQuery Mobile is built, including jQuery selectors and events. Chapter 12 also includes a lot of PHP code, so some knowledge of PHP will be helpful when following through the examples. In addition, Chapter 13 shows how to use Xcode on a Mac to build a native iOS app using jQuery Mobile, so you’ll find it useful to have at least some familiarity with Mac applications, and you’ll need a Mac if you want to work through the example. That said, even if you’ve never played with jQuery or PHP before, you’ll still be able to gain a lot from this book. One of jQuery Mobile’s strengths is that you can often build an entire web app interface using little more than HTML and a bit of CSS.
Master Mobile Web Apps with jQuery Mobile - Third Edition
----Master Mobile Web Apps with jQuery Mobile (Third Edition).pdf(22.86MB)


  • 绝对值得推荐,不过是英文版,要下耐心去读
  • jquery mobile, useful in my project!
  • 非常好的资源,不仅有PDF版本的书,里面示例代码也很全。
  • CSDN上的资源好丰富,多谢各位的大力奉献!
  • 这本书,很不错,包含俩个案例,学完后,收获不小。
  • 非常不错,正在仔细学习
  • 这本书不错,配合jquery官网上的codiq使用,可以快速入手 。
  • 这本书很好,在jquery mobile官网,地址:,首页书籍资源里就有推荐。
  • Very useful book, exactly what I need. Thanks a lot!