Run Qton Linux embedded systemsusing Yocto.pdf

时间:2023-01-10 09:37:57
文件名称:Run Qton Linux embedded systemsusing Yocto.pdf
更新时间:2023-01-10 09:37:57
Qt meta-qt5 yocto 2019年最新资料——详细描述了Qt5 for yocto的搭建环境 目录结构: ➢What is an embedded system ➢Differences between a normal distro and embedded ➢How to use Qt on embedded systems ➢How to use Yocto Project ➢Layer meta-qt5 ➢Yocto customization for Qt5 ➢Adding a custom layer to customize Qt5 ➢Deploy and debug on embedded system ➢Demo on real hardware


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