
时间:2018-05-21 12:13:48
更新时间:2018-05-21 12:13:48
matlab 3D function draw3D filename %% you should use this fuction in commandwindow as follows: draw3D "book xls" %read data %data xlsread filename ; %%if your matlab can"t open the "xls" you can copy your data from xls to a %%txt and then load "book txt" data load filename ; x data : 1 ; y data : 2 ; z data : 3 ; xi linspace min x max x ; yi linspace min y max y ; [X Y] meshgrid xi yi ; Z griddata x y z X Y "V4" ; surf X Y Z ; end">function draw3D filename %% you should use this fuction in commandwindow as follows: draw3D "book xls" %read data %data xlsread filename ; %%if your matlab can"t open the "xls" you can copy your data from xls to a %%txt and then load "book txt" [更多]
