Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2010

时间:2014-07-28 05:04:16
文件名称:Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2010
更新时间:2014-07-28 05:04:16
SharePoint 2010 The purpose of this book is to help you design and develop custom business solutions for SharePoint 2010, which includes the two products SharePoint Foundation and SharePoint Server 2010. Our goal is to teach you how to create, debug, and deploy the fundamental building blocks such as Features, Pages, Web Parts, Site Columns, Content Types, Event Handlers, and Workflow Templates. Once you apply yourself and become comfortable developing with these building blocks, there’s no limit to the types of applications and solutions you can create on the SharePoint 2010 platform.
Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2010.pdf


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  • 深挖用得着,谢谢
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