
时间:2011-07-23 20:02:08
更新时间:2011-07-23 20:02:08
fiddler2 Have you ever found yourself wondering how Microsoft Internet Explorer interacts with your Web application? Have you encountered a strange performance bottleneck that you can't track down? Are you curious about which cookies are being sent, or what downloaded content is marked as cacheable?

Microsoft Fiddler can help you answer these questions, and many more. Fiddler is an HTTP debugging proxy that logs all HTTP traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler enables you to inspect all HTTP traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data. Fiddler is much simpler to use than NetMon or other network debuggers because it exposes only HTTP traffic and does so in a user-friendly format.

Fiddler includes a simple but powerful Microsoft JScript .NET event-based scripting subsystem flexible enough to support a broad array of HTTP debugging tasks. Written in C# on the Microsoft .NET Framework, Fiddler is available as an unsupported PowerToy for Internet Explorer.


  • 一款非常实用的网络调试工具,感谢分享!
  • 不是源码啊
  • 真心好用。本地代理可以解决线上发布环节,调试线上项目很方便
  • 不错 很好用 实验可以实现
  • 不错,加个中文包就好了
  • 还不错,用起来比较容易。
  • 版本不是最新的,但可以用
  • 非常好 最好再放个汉化包
  • 这个资源好,做web开发分析常用
  • 很好的资源,多谢分享,网络调试的好帮手。
